should you keep old tires

Should You Keep Your Old Tires?

If you’re like most people, you probably have a few old tires lying around in your garage. You may be wondering if you should keep them or get rid of them.

So, should you keep your old tires? It depends. If the tires are in good condition and you think you may need them in the future, then it’s probably a good idea to keep them. However, if the tires are old and worn out, it’s probably best to get rid of them.

What are the benefits of keeping old tires?

There are actually quite a few benefits to keeping old tires, even if they’re not in the best condition.

  • It’s good to have a spare tire
  • You can use old tires as an area rug in your garage or workshop
  • If the tires are worn down and don’t work anymore, you can actually recycle them for something else. For example, you can use them as mulch in your garden.

What are the benefits of replacing old tires?

There are also benefits to replacing your old tires, especially if they’re no longer safe to use.

So, should you keep your old tires or replace them? It really depends on the condition of the tires and what you plan to do with them. If you’re not sure, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional. They can help you.

how to store old tire

How to store old tires?

If you do decide to keep your old tires, it’s important to store them properly. Here are a few tips on how to store old tires:

1. Make sure the tires are clean before you store them. This will help prevent them from getting dirty and potentially damaging other items.

2. Store the tires in a cool, dry place. Heat and moisture can damage tires, so it’s important to keep them in a good environment.

3. If possible, store the tires upright. This will help prevent them from flat spots developing on the tires.

4. Cover the tires with a tarp or something similar. This will help protect them from the elements and keep them clean.

When to replace old tires?

Even if you decide to keep your old tires, there will come a time when you need to replace them. Here are a few signs that it’s time to replace your old tires:

1. The tread on the tire is worn down. If the tread is worn down, it’s time to replace the tire.

2. The tires are cracked or damaged. If the tires are cracked or damaged, they need to be replaced.

3. The tires are more than six years old. Even if the tread is still good, it’s a good idea to replace tires that are more than six years old.

Alternatives to disposing of old tires

If you decide to get rid of your old tires, there are a few alternatives to simply throwing them away.

1. You can recycle them. There are companies that will recycle old tires for you.

2. You can donate them. There are organizations that accept donations of old tires.

3. You can sell them. You may be able to sell your old tires to a scrapyard or someone who is looking for used tires.

No matter what you decide to do with your old tires, it’s important to remember that they can be reused or recycled. So, don’t just throw them away!

Tips for recycling or disposing of old tires:

1. Check with your local waste management company to see if they have a tire recycling program.

2. Contact a local scrapyard to see if they’re interested in buying your old tires.

3. Donate your old tires to a local organization that accepts tire donations.

4. Recycle your old tires through a tire recycling program.

5. Throw away your old tires at a designated tire disposal facility.


There are many benefits to keeping old tires, from being able to recycle them to use them as a spare. However, there are also benefits to replacing old tires, especially if they’re no longer safe to use. Ultimately, the decision of whether to keep or replace old tires depends on the condition of the tires and what you plan to do with them. If you’re not sure, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional. They can help you make the best decision for your situation.

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